Sunghoon Publishes His Work on the Wireless Visible Light-Emitting Implant for Tumor Removal

Author: Nicholas Ross

Wireless implantable device for visual guidance during lumpectomy

Following up on the success from McCloskey New Venture Competition in May 2024, Sunghoon, in collaboration with other researchers from the University of Notre Dame and the University of Washington, published a paper discussing the development of the wirelessly powered, visible light-emitting implant designed to improve surgical guidance during lumpectomies. As previously presented, the innovative device uses LED lights to provide direct visual cues to surgeons, helping them identify nonpalpable breast tumors. The implant emits different colors of light—red and blue—to indicate tissue depth, allowing for more precise removal of cancerous tissue. This technology offers a promising alternative to traditional wire-based localization methods, enhancing both patient comfort and surgical outcomes.

For more details, you can view the full article here.